David Silvester universite de Manchester, Title: ------ A Review of Solution Techniques for Unsteady Incompressible Flow Abstract: --------- The necessity for reliable and efficient incompressible flow solvers is widely recognised. This talk will focus on two components of such a solver: the error control used for self-adaptive time stepping; and the linear solver used at each time level. Conventional codes typically use semi-implicit time integration leading to a Poisson or Stokes-type system at every time step, but with a stability restriction on the time step. Our alternative approach is a stable version of the TR-AB2 smart integrator originally developed by Gresho in the 1980's. Such fully-implicit time integration methods have no restriction on the time step, but have only become feasible in the last five years because of developments in solution techniques for the linear (or linearized) Oseen systems that arise at each time level. To this end, the preconditioning framework that we propose offers the possibility of fast convergence that is robust with respect to the problem parameters (namely; the mesh size, the time step and the Reynolds number). The preconditioning framework that is proposed can be readily extended to multi-physics models that include the Navier-Stokes equations as a component. We illustrate this by extending our methodology to the case of the Boussinesq model of bouyancy driven flow.