Colloque de Théorie des Noeuds

Calais, 27-28 novembre 2002

Journées organisées par Shalom Eliahou (président),

Joachim von Below, Delphine Hachez et Marc Prévost.


Mercredi 27 novembre

9h30 : Accueil des participants, café

9h55 : Ouverture

10h00: Vaughan Jones (Berkeley)

Skein theory in knot theory and beyond

11h15: Morwen Thistlethwaite (Kentucky, Tennessee)

Applications of the Jones polynomial and its successors to knot theory

12h30: repas

14h30: Louis Kauffman (Chicago)

Virtual Knot Theory

15h30: pause

16h00: Sofia Lambropoulou (Athènes)

Jones-type invariants in the solid torus

Jeudi 28 novembre

09h30: Sofia Lambropoulou

The combinatorial classification of rational knots, Part I

10h30: pause

11h00: Louis Kauffman

The combinatorial classification of rational knots, Part II

12h15: repas

14h15: Ki Hyoung Ko (Seoul)

The embedding problem of braid monoids

15h30: Patrick Dehornoy (Caen)

Remarks about braid-based cryptography

Removable pairs in trivial braid diagrams

16h30: pause

17h00: Morwen Thistlethwaite

Hyperbolic structures on link complements via labels