Lundi 6 décembre salle B014 , 16H00 Intervenant: Domingo Barrera (Universidad de Granada) ------------ Titre: ------ Quelques résultats récents sur la construction de quasi-interpolants splines "Some recent results on the construction of spline quasi-interpolants" Résumé : ------ The approximation of functions and empirical data is one of the most frequent problems arising in practice, and for that purpose multiple techniques have been developed. Among them, those based on splines play a central role. Frequently data or function are interpolated, making it necessary to solve a system of linear (or nonlinear) equations.The quasi-interpolating splines provide approximants without solving any system, being their coefficients determined directly from the available information. Recently new results concerning the construction of discrete quasi-interpolant and integrals of small sup norm have been obtained. In the case of one variable or for a box spline of two variables explicit solutions have been found for the corresponding problems of B-splines of low degree. This problem has an independent interest since a small supnorm elps to control the error propagation of the approximate data. Nevertheless, in order to obtain quasi-interpolants of the mentioned type (and also of differential quasi-interpolants) with small constants in the error estimates for sufficiently regular functions a specific methodology has been considered, in which certain splines independent of the linear form involved play an important role. In the usual cases in practice (cases $C^{1}$ and $C^{2}$) really small constants are obtained. The most recent line of research deals with the construction of non-standard quasi-interpolants, starting from a discrete quasi-interpolant with certain algebraic precision. The new technique allows to increase the precision building for that appropriate differential quasi-interpolants.