Intervenant:  Skander Belhaj (Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Tunis)
date:    mardi 17 mai, 16h30, Calais 
Titre: «Blind image deconvolution via structured matrices »

Blind image deconvolution is a very important problem in image
processing because of the wide range of applications such as
astronomical imaging, medical imaging, remote sensing, in which
blurred images arise.

It is shown that structured matrices (Bézout, Hankel, Sylvester) can
be used to achieve image deblurring, more specifically by computing
the approximate greatest common divisor of polynomials.

The talk will include a fast algorithm for computing the univariate
GCD of several polynomials (not pairwise) based on the generalized
Bezout matrix by using Barnett's method as well as a specialized
algorithm for computing the GCD of bivariate polynomials of blurred
images to recover the original image, and experimental results that
show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms will be included.