Location of the conference building

The conference imacs09 takes place in the POLYTECH' building, on the campus of the University of Lille 1. The campus is situated about 8km from downtown Lille in the south of the town of Villeneuve d'Ascq. Please click on the logo (below) to see a map of the campus. The conference building POLYTECH' can be found on the map : red circle on the campus map.
The opening will be in the amphi Appert.

It is very easy to join the campus by metro (see the metro's map). In downtown Lille (for instance at the metro station at the railway station "Gare Lille Flandres") you take the metro line 1 direction "4 Cantons", and get out at the terminus station "4 Cantons" (green circle on the campus map) after about 20 minutes. You then follow the metro line northwards by feet for about 200 meters, then you can see on your left building POLYTECH'.

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Lille access metro's map campus map downtown' map


If you are coming by train:
Lille is at the hub of a strategic railway network: The Lille-Europe and Lille-Flandres stations situated in the city centre ( 2 mn by foot between the two station, or 1 step by metro ) are served by several major high speed train (TGV) lines.
If you are coming by flight:
The nearest airport is Lille-Lesquin. Several European or International companies deserve this airport with direct fly or by connecting fly from Paris or from another French town. See also the website of Lille Airport for more informations.

After landing:
Take the Bus shuttle from AIRPORT/Lille to Euralille shopping centre (the bus stop is marked 'Liaison Aéroport'). It takes about 20 minutes by highway. Fare one-way : 5.00 Euros.
Note: Euralille shopping center is located just beetwen the two railway stations ( EuraLille / Lille-Flandres),

Useful links