Minisymposium 2A : Wednesday 19 , 10h30-13h00

Organizers : : J. Erhel and L. Giraud


Y. Saad

10:30am-11:00am D. Szyld

On the convergence of Algebraic Optimizable Schwarz Methods with applications to elliptic problems
11:00am-11:30am D. Tromeur-Dervout

Aitken acceleration of the convergence of the Schwarz method with Neumann- Dirichlet conditions on artificial boundaries to solve problem of Darcy flow with strong contrast on the permeabilities
11:30am-12:00am F. Nataf

Preconditoners for problems with extreme contrast in the coefficients
12:00am-12:30pm R. Scheichl

Analysis of FETI methods for multiscale PDEs
12:30pm-13:00pm M. Genseberger

Improving the parallel performance of a domain decomposition preconditioning technique in the Jacobi-Davidson method for large scale eigenvalue problems

Conference IMACS09 2008-02-29