Session 5 : Tuesday 18 , 16h30-19h00


D. Szyld

16:30pm-17:00pm Y. Chahlaoui

Calculating the H\infnity -norm of large sparse systems via Chandrasekhar iterations and extrapolation
17:00pm-17:30pm A. Salam

A new SR-algorithm for solving real algebraic Riccati equation
17:30pm-18:00pm L. Amodei

An invariant subspace method for large algebraic Riccati equations
18:00pm-18:30pm A. Bentbib

Jacobi method for Hamiltonian eigenvalue problems
18:30pm-19:00pm M. Heyouni

Global and Block extended Arnoldi methods for Sylvester matrix equations

Conference IMACS09 2008-02-29