A special issue of the IMACS journal Applied Numerical Mathematics (APNUM) will be edited, guest editors: M. BELLALIJ, C. CALGARO, J.P. CHEHAB, K. JBILOU and H. SADOK

Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and that its publication is approved by all Authors.

All submitted papers will be evaluated according to the standard journal refereeing procedure.

The recommended style files to be used with latex are elsart.cls and the bibliographic style file elsart-num-sort.bst (otherwise, for those using Word for instance: see how papers are presented in any APNUM issue).

Initially and during the reviewing procedure, it is sufficient upload the pdf file of the paper. Later, Elsevier will need the source files and this will be indicated to authors.

Please keep the following informations in mind when preparing your paper for submission: