Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing with Applications

Mai 18-22, 2009

Agadir, Morocco.

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Session 21B2 : Thursday 21 , 17:15 - 19:20

Room B

Chairman: V. Druskin

17:15 - 17:40 R. Bru

Improved balanced incomplete factorization. Theoretical aspects
17:40 - 18:05 J. Mas

Improved balanced incomplete factorization. Theoretical aspects
18:05 - 18:30 M. Raydan

New bounds for the Frobenius condition number of nonsymmetric matrices
18:30 - 18:55 L. Cvetkovic

On Gersgoring-type eigenvalue inclusions
18:55 - 19:20 V. Kostic

Gersgorin-type localizations of generalized eigenvalues
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