Dear Participant of NASCA13:

As announced in June at the Conference on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation with Applications (NASCA13), there is a possibility for conference participants to submit a paper to a special volume of Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA) dedicated to this conference. ETNA has no page charge. Moreover, all papers published in ETNA can be accessed free of charge at :


Papers for the special volume are due October 31, 2013. They should be submitted to reichel[at]math[dot]kent[dot]edu and identified as NASCA13 special issue contribution. The papers will be refereed similarly as papers sent to a regular volume of ETNA. They have to use the SIAM style file and be prepared as described at:

ETNA submission instructions

Since ETNA has no page charges and makes published papers available for free, the journal does not have the resources to copy edit submissions. Therefore submissions to ETNA have to be copy edited by the authors. Papers that are not edited properly will be returned to the author without being refereed.

Papers will be published in the order they are accepted starting in January 2014 and ending in December 2014. Papers that are accepted but not ready for publication in December of 2014, will be published in the regular ETNA volume for 2015. If there are too few submissions to justify a special volume, then accepted papers will be published in a regular volume of ETNA.

Editors for the special volume: