| Adamek | Semantics of Recursion Schemes |
| Awodey | Homotopical semantics for intensional type theory |
pdf | Berger | On the hierarchy: monad, theory, operad. |
pdf | Bunge | Intrinsic n-stack completions over a topos |
| Burroni E. | Jets métriques représentables |
pdf | Calcines | CW-complexes in the category of exterior spaces |
pdf | Caramello | De Morgan classifying toposes |
pdf | Cheng | Terminal coalgebras |
| Cockett | On the Semantics of Reversible Computation |
| Cruttwell | Change of Base for Enriched Categories |
| Dupont | Abelian categories in dimension 2 |
| Edwards-Coecke | Toy Quantum Categories |
| Ehresmann | From Schwartz distributions to control and evolutive systems |
pdf | Forssell | First-Order Logical Duality |
pdf | Garner | Making weak maps compose strictly |
pdf | Gaucher | A topological model for studying branching and merging homologies of time flows |
| Goedecke | On Satellites in Semi-abelian Categories: Homology Without Projectives |
pdf | González Rodríguez | Algebraic structures associated to weak Yang-Baxter operators |
| Grandis | Weak cubical categories and their symmetries |
| Gray | Representability of the split extension functor in categories of crossed modules of generalized Lie algebras |
ppt | Guitart | Borromean Objects, as examplified by the group G168 of Klein's Quartic, linked with Moving Logic |
| Gurski | Representations of finite 2-groups |
pdf | Hofmann | Injective spaces via adjunction |
| Janelidze-G | Internal categories, descent, and Galois theory in monoidal categories |
| Janelidze-T | Snake Lemma in incomplete relative homological categories |
| Janelidze-Z | Subtractivity in Categorical Algebra |
pdf | Kachour | Définition algébrique des cellules non-strictes : Version Batanin. |
pdf | Kenney | Diads and their application in topoi |
pdf | Kruml | Constructing noncommutative topology |
pdf | Kupke and Leal | An Elementary Construction of Final Coalgebras |
| Kusalik | The Continuum Hypothesis in Topos Theory and Algebraic Set Theory |
pdf | Lawvere | Core Varieties and Extensive Geometry |
pdf | Leinster | The cardinality of a metric space |
pdf | Lopez Franco | Hopf modules and centres of autonomous pseudomonoids |
pdf | Lukács | The category of k-groups |
| Lumsdaine | Internal sheaves for algebraic set theory |
| McCurdy | Cyclic structures on Braided Star-Autonomous Categories |
| Martins-Ferreira | Weakly Mal'cev sesquicategories |
| Melliès | Game semantics as string diagrams |
pdf | Menni | Cauchy completeness results motivated by Myhill's characterization of combinatorial functions |
pdf | Metere | Weak inverses for strict n-categories |
pdf | Niefield | Lax Presheaves and Exponentiability |
pdf | Paré | Comma objects and spans in 2-categories |
| Penon | Un calcul différentiel métrique |
ppt | Pisani | Balanced category theory |
| Pronk | The Span Construction |
pdf | Resende | Quantales and toposes |
ps | Rosický | Class-combinatorial model categories |
1-2 | Rosolini | Quotient completion of a preordered fibration |
pdf | Sobocinski | Van Kampen diagrams are bicolimits |
pdf | Solovjovs | Variable-basis topological systems |
| Sousa | On boundedness and small-orthogonality classes |
| Stubbe | Principally generated quantaloid-modules |
pdf | Tabareau | Free models of T -algebraic theories computed as Kan extensions |
| Van der Linden | Hopf formulae for satellite-based homology |
| Verity | Cobordisms and Weak Complicial Sets |
pdf | Vicary | Categorical properties of the complex numbers |
ppt | Walters | Systems on graphs |
pdf | Wood | Duals Invert |
| Xarez | Concordant and monotone morphisms |
pdf | Zawadowski | Multitopic categories via normal ordered face structures |